Fire in Kosciuszko National Park 2003
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Fire in Kosciuszko National Park 2003
There have been many fires in the Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) which have destroyed individual buildings but the fires of 1939 and 2003 have destroyed many thousands of hectares as well.
In December 2002, KNP was dangerously dry and a series of lightning strikes caused fires to start in the Byadbo Wilderness. Then, early in January 2003, a wild electrical storm moving west to east initiated 44 bushfires on the Main Range which moved in different directions. The Tooma Dam fires moved north-west towards the Dargals while another jumped the Grey Mare fire trail and began to burn in the area between Mt Jagungal and Eucumbene Dam.
The Main Range acted as a fire break and, although the western faces were badly burnt, the fires did not proceed much beyond the crest of the range. There was a small amount of burning behind Blue Lake and along the crest between Twynam and Carruthers.
Many huts on the Main Range were destroyed. The photo shows how close the fires came to destroying White’s River Hut.
Fire in Kosciuszko National Park 2003
There have been many fires in the Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) which have destroyed individual buildings but the fires of 1939 and 2003 have destroyed many thousands of hectares as well.
In December 2002, KNP was dangerously dry and a series of lightning strikes caused fires to start in the Byadbo Wilderness. Then, early in January 2003, a wild electrical storm moving west to east initiated 44 bushfires on the Main Range which moved in different directions. The Tooma Dam fires moved north-west towards the Dargals while another jumped the Grey Mare fire trail and began to burn in the area between Mt Jagungal and Eucumbene Dam.
The Main Range acted as a fire break and, although the western faces were badly burnt, the fires did not proceed much beyond the crest of the range. There was a small amount of burning behind Blue Lake and along the crest between Twynam and Carruthers.
Many huts on the Main Range were destroyed. The photo shows how close the fires came to destroying White’s River Hut.
Fire in Perisher Valley
Spotover fires occur at random. One appeared near the walkway from Thredbo to Mt Kosciuszko. Another occurred in the South Perisher nordic trails and came within a few hundred metres of lodges in that area.
The photo, taken from Back Perisher, shows the burnt out nordic trails and how close the fires came to the Perisher Hotel, the Man from Snowy River Hotel and the lodges adjacent to them.
Fire in Perisher Valley
Spotover fires occur at random. One appeared near the walkway from Thredbo to Mt Kosciuszko. Another occurred in the South Perisher nordic trails and came within a few hundred metres of lodges in that area.
The photo, taken from Back Perisher, shows the burnt out nordic trails and how close the fires came to the Perisher Hotel, the Man from Snowy River Hotel and the lodges adjacent to them.
The Fire at Blue Cow
The photo was taken at Easter 2003 from North Perisher on the Perisher/Blue Cow Link Road.
The Ridge Quad Chair at Blue Cow can be seen on the right with the inaccessible terrain to the left severely burnt.
The Fire at Blue Cow
The photo was taken at Easter 2003 from North Perisher on the Perisher/Blue Cow Link Road.
The Ridge Quad Chair at Blue Cow can be seen on the right with the inaccessible terrain to the left severely burnt.
Perisher Gap
This photo was taken at Perisher Gap looking towards the Main Range and shows the burn out in that area.
Perisher Gap
This photo was taken at Perisher Gap looking towards the Main Range and shows the burn out in that area.
Piper's Creek
This is burnt out area next to Piper’s Creek.
Piper's Creek
This is burnt out area next to Piper’s Creek.
Piper's Creek
Piper’s Creek was covered with a dense layer of low scrub until the fire incinerated all around it.
Piper's Creek
Piper’s Creek was covered with a dense layer of low scrub until the fire incinerated all around it.
The fire was particularly ferocious near Guthega with tall timber and steep terrain.
The fire was particularly ferocious near Guthega with tall timber and steep terrain.
Guthega Dam
Fire destruction can be seen on the western side of Guthega Dam.
Guthega Dam
Fire destruction can be seen on the western side of Guthega Dam.
Porcupine Rocks Perisher
In 2019 the bleached skeletons of the fire affected trees were still evident near the Porcupine Rocks, Perisher.
Porcupine Rocks Perisher
In 2019 the bleached skeletons of the fire affected trees were still evident near the Porcupine Rocks, Perisher.
Mt Wheatley
This photo shows a group of skiers passing through burnt trees on Mt Wheatley.
Mt Wheatley
This photo shows a group of skiers passing through burnt trees on Mt Wheatley.